Productive Discomfort (Socratic Thinking)

Someone I worked with closely taught me the value of probing and testing ideas. I worried in every conversation that he would find holes in my thinking – and he often did. Now, I have a better understanding of what he was doing (the Socratic Method!), why it freaked me out, and how to think more clearly and come to stronger, more defensible conclusions.

Article & Favorite Quote:

“The Socratic professor aims for “productive discomfort,” not panic and intimidation. The aim is not to strike fear in the hearts of students so that they come prepared to class; but to strike fear in the hearts of students that they either cannot articulate clearly the values that guide their lives, or that their values and beliefs do not withstand scrutiny.”

The Socratic Method: What it is and How to Use it in the Classroom | Tomorrow’s Professor Postings (